Fall In Love With Lavender

Known for its calming and relaxing qualities, there are a few less common uses that come in handy

Lavender is one of the most widely used herbs around the world due to its versatility. Lavender flowers have been used to treat digestive problems, insomnia, anxiety, and restlessness. Lavender was also used to treat and disinfect wounds before modern medicine and hospitals used lavender as an antiseptic and disinfectant to sterilize surfaces and equipment.

Today, lavender is commonly used for anxiety, depression, insomnia, digestive problems, headaches, skin problems and skin healing. In addition, lavender can be used to treat exhaustion, heat exposure, fevers, aches and pains, over-exertion, jet lag, rashes, sprains, sunburn, sunstroke and bruises. It can also be used as a disinfectant and insect repellant.

Lavender is one of the few essential oils that can be used in small amounts and applied directly to the skin; it can also be diluted in a carrier oil.

We all know lavender is calming and relaxing, but here are a few less common uses that could come in handy:

Sara Jones

Spa, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert and Founder of Spa & Wellness Mexico magazine


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