Dog Days of Summer

Pets suffer just as much as we do in the heat, so here are some tips on how help them cool down

Are you having a hard time with this heat? Imagine being covered in fur. High heat and humidity can be a deadly combo for your pets.

Watch for the symptoms of hyperthermia and heat stroke. They include: sticky and dark or bright red tongue and gums, excessive panting, restlessness, rapid heartbeat, staggering or walking in a stupor, followed by bloody diarrhea or vomit and seizures. The dog may go into a coma and succumb to organ failure if it does not get immediate veterinary treatment. Find a cool place, wet it down with cool water.  Ensure the dog has plenty of water, and put wet cloths on its feet and neck.

Cats are not immune to heat stroke. Watch for signs such as rapid breathing, redness in the mouth, lethargy, staggering, vomiting or unconsciousness. Cool the cat with ice packs and get to the vet immediately.  

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