Marcela de la Rocha is the 31-year-old mother of 13-year-old Jorge Alfonso. For Mother’s Day, I’m presenting a mother, an active member of the LGBT community, and a successful business woman in the food industry. She owns two Asadero El Pollos in Cancun and her uncle owns one in Playa del Carmen. She is also part of Issac Janix’s team, the Cancun independent candidate for the presidency of the Benito Juarez municipality.
Marcela was in a heterosexual relationship when she got pregnant with her son, even though she knew she couldn’t spend the rest of her life with a man. It is actually the father who decided to end things and moved to Boston.
The truth is that life is so short, so beautiful and sometimes so ugly that, regardless of how it is, you have to enjoy it every minute, every moment”
Marcela de la Rocha
Ms. de la Rocha is originally from Sinaloa, which is a city that is not as accepting as our region. “Here in Quintana Roo, people are more open-minded, have their own criteria, education and they respect the part of being gay or not”, she says. “Here, I feel better than in other places. Although, it is still up to ourselves to make other people respect us with our actions and intentions”, she continues.
Marcela feels comfortable being a lesbian mother and her son couldn’t be prouder of her. She personally doesn’t flag it and doesn’t like using the term ‘lesbian mother’ as she feels being a mother means way more and it has nothing to do with your sexual preference. She says being a mother is more difficult than being a lesbian! Fortunately, her son is a sincere child; he always says what he thinks and tells his mother, “If you love your partner, I am happy for you.”
Marcela is in her second lesbian relationship since Jorge Alfonso was born. “The truth is that life is so short, so beautiful and sometimes so ugly that, regardless of how it is, you have to enjoy it every minute, every moment”, she says. “What gives me the most satisfaction is seeing my child well, having a person I love and realizing that I have a beautiful family with Alfonso, Julia and I. Everything is a balance and you have to take care of the peace and serenity of who you love and the best of all, is that you are always loved”, she finishes.
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers!