Pecha Kucha Night in Cancun

Regular networking and showcasing events with a unique presentation concept
Last week, the Pecha Kucha showcasing event took place in Cancun. Every participant has six minutes and forty seconds to present a slideshow (20 images for 20 seconds each) with the most representative pieces of their work or project. This edition took place in Tech Garage Cancun, a networking space for people who want to present events related to technology, such as Pecha Kucha, SMB (PyME) training workshops, or schools trips. The best part – it has wide spaces indoors and outdoors, essential when working with computers.
One of the slideshows was on a start-up for a new craft beer brand called Cervenauta. It caught my attention right away. I am a beer aficionado and it seemed like they had the largest catalog of beer styles I’ve seen in local brands. I only tried two out of 10, a porter and a red ale. That was enough for me to tell you that this is probably the best craft beer around. They deliver in two hours within the city limits and in one day to Playa, so it’s worth waiting for. You can also order directly from their website,

Another presentation had a more social approach: “Kaanbal, education for everyone”. This is an ambitious non-profit project based in Cancun, aiming to bring digital information to the Maya community’s schools with limited or non-existent internet access. They designed capsules (hard disks) connected to IP servers (wireless computers, most of the time there is no telephone service either), containing all the information on Wikipedia and other digital encyclopedias. The first activations were in communities of fewer than a thousand inhabitants, such as Agua Azul, and Delirios, among others in the municipality of Lazaro Cardenas. They recently opened a new Kaanbal point in Mahahual. If you want to know more, donate or volunteer, visit:
The most peculiar showcase of the night was Some Be, an upcoming zombie movie, completely produced and shot in Cancun. It would be the first of its kind, and it looks promising. The movie is a social critic metaphor for society’s ever-increasing mobile phone dependence. Castings and a crowdfunding campaign are now open. Visit their official Facebook: Some Be / Película, if you want to be part of the movie, acting or sponsoring, or maybe both. I’ll be auditioning for a zombie role myself in May, no kidding. See you there.