Ask Allan – Where to Volunteer in Playa del Carmen?
Allan offers some advice on volunteering options in the city

Hi, Allan
We are looking to do some volunteer work while in town. What can we do to make a difference?
Hi, Pam
Thanks for your thoughtful question. Well, there is a lot you can do apart from giving food or money to those in need. There is a local organization called KKIS (Keep Kids in School) which is focused on education. They often need volunteers and donations. The plus is that I know and trust the people who run the organization and they take no salary. It’s run from good intentions.
A new charity is also being formed called Leyendo which is focused on building libraries. They also need donations and volunteers. Both groups can be found on Facebook or online.
Animals, specifically cats and dogs, are another key area for volunteers. Many don’t spay and neuter here, so stray animals are a much bigger problem here than in the US or Canada. Coco’s Rescue shelters and spays both cats and dogs. SOS el Arca, and Playa Animal Rescue are both no-kill shelters focused on the care and rehabilitation of dogs. All three organizations could use volunteers and donations.
Lastly, one of the biggest contributions you can make to Playa is to patronize local businesses. Almost every business here, whether owned by a foreign or local, employs local staff. The more we stimulate the economy here, the better off everyone is.
Allan Lockhart
Co-owner, North American Standards