Thank you for your interest in submitting articles to The Playa Times. Your articles, if approved, will be included on our website and shared on our social media. There is no financial compensation for published articles.
For your article to be considered, please be sure to use the following guidelines:
Articles we will consider:
- Related to the theme
of the website – Mexican beach towns – things to do, places to go, people to
see, living in Mexico
- Explore our website to get an idea of the topics we will consider
- Authors must live in a Mexican beach town (either part-time or full-time)
Articles we will not consider:
- Topics that have
already been covered – please review our website before submitting articles
- Updates to already posted topics will be considered
- Articles must be unique and cannot have been published on any other blog/website
- Negative reviews of businesses
- Political topics of any kind
- Articles related to violence or crime
- Anything that heavily promotes a business (personal or otherwise)
- Anything inaccurate or offensive
- Articles promoting or related to drug use (example ayahuasca ceremonies)
- No plagiarism
Submitting Articles:
- Submit in a Word
document to: editortpt@gmail.com
- Must be in English & well-written
- (Ideally) a maximum of 600 words
- Provide authentic photos taken by you (image size 665 x 403 px and 72 dpi)
- A short bio at the end of your article
Once your article is received it will be reviewed. If accepted, we reserve the right to edit for grammar and punctuation. We will also check for plagiarism. We reserve the right to decline any article submitted for publication.
Things to Consider:
- Keep it simple: Most readers will spend about 45 seconds reading your article
- People love authentic photos: Good quality photos are key, and they must be your own
- Take some time exploring how to write a blog post