Celebrating Women in the Community: Rosy Vivanco – Cultural Promoter and Environmental Activist
Meet one of Playa del Carmen’s most dedicated women, a cultural promoter and environmental activist who wants to better the lives of everyone here in our city

Have you ever heard of Libros Libres (Free Books)? I’ll bet that you have, at least on our pages. Well, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you an enthusiastic and intelligent woman who is a local Playense. She not only cares about education and the protection of the environment but also takes action to contribute significantly to Playa’s society. Her name is Rosy Vivanco.
Originally from San Luis Potosí, Rosy arrived in Quintana Roo to work in the hotel industry. At first, she was in Cozumel before deciding to cross the water and come to Playa del Carmen, which is where she met her husband.
For several years, she has been using Libros Libres as a means to promote reading, working alongside her daughter Alejandra Cámara, and the other enthusiastic people who have joined them.
Many of you may already know about this initiative or have already participated in some of their activities. Its main purpose is to encourage children, youth and adults to read, and then read some more.
“We believe that education is what will bring us forward as a country and reading is the main tool,” says Rosy. “Reading broadens the mind and with a broader mind, we can also have a better lifestyle.”
But Libros Libres is not only dedicated to cultural promotion, it also participates in activities that raise awareness of care of the environment and respect for animals. It supports free dog sterilization campaigns, and the project Delfines en Libertad (Free Dolphins), as well as every movement in favor of respect for animal life. Their motto is: “May your entertainment not be due to the suffering of others.” Simple, strong and clear.
Another of their projects is Corazon Verde (Green Heart). It promotes care of the ecosystem and discourages the use of plastic bags. It costs us nothing to reuse bags for the supermarket, store or laundromat.
Rosy and her daughter firmly believe in community work to achieve benefits for everyone. They want to instill in children and adults the idea of “thinking and doing in the community” and not only looking at things for the benefit of oneself.
This is what drives this great woman to carry out these actions and initiatives, generating awareness and contributing to the benefit of us all. Congratulations to Rosy for her hard work and commitment!