Spring and Water … Pure Happiness!
The change in season affects our external and internal water systems

The days lengthen, the sun is stronger and the warm climate gradually begins to prevail against the cold and the rain.
Almost without noticing, one more spring has come to us and it is time to pay more attention to the hydration of our body, since the heat increases sweating and we lose more moisture.
Meanwhile, the water of the underground rivers follows its usual course; in the caves no changes are observed, but in the green water cenotes, changes in important characteristics can be observed. In some of them the water turns crystalline during the cold months of the year, and at the beginning of spring, after the last wind from the north, the temperature gradually increases and the ideal conditions and temperature return for the development of microalgae that reproduce rapidly, dyeing the water an emerald green color for the rest of the year. Then temperatures will drop again by 25 C, a change in the conditions that microalgae cannot survive.
The next day of spring on March 22, World Water Day is celebrated. The 2018 theme explores nature-based solutions for the water challenges we face in the 21st century, such as planting trees to replenish forests, reconnecting rivers to floodplains and restoring wetlands. It is a sustainable and profitable way to help nature to do her job and it is vitally important. Damaged ecosystems affect the quantity and quality of water available for human consumption. The Rio Secreto Reserve is a sanctum sanctuarium for water, if the rain could choose, it would rain in Rio Secreto. There, the water is protected and its quality is studied and we hope that it will be in the future as well. Trees help to generate humidity and cause rain. The reserve is also a refuge for endangered and threatened wildlife such as the jaguar and the puma that we study, thanks to our flora phototrapping project of the Rio Hydrogeological Reserve Secret. When visiting, you will have fun like never before, appreciating the nature of the cave and the jungle in all its splendor and at the same time you will help to conserve our most precious asset, water.
web site: http://www.riosecreto.com/
Facebook: Rio Secreto